Heart Signals

Heart Signals


I watched the fireflies flashing

Flashing secret signals of hope

Hope that somewhere in the darkness

Darkness that hides the cares of the day

Day that slowly fades into night

Night will hold the answer to its signals

Signals from one heart to another

Another night for lovers like you and I



(I fudged a little with the grammar )


A Reply From Narcissus in the Laundromat

A Reply From Narcissus in the Laundromat

When I stumbled into the laundromat I saw
you fluffing and folding and was instantly smitten.
People think I’m vain, egotistical even, but

every time I looked in a mirror or caught my reflection
in a window I was looking for you. I was daring to hope
that someone like you might be following me. Suddenly,

there you were, so I went from machine to machine trying
to glimpse your face because I was afraid to look into your eyes
in case there was no love reflected back.

* from Day 5 at NaPoWriMo

An Everyday Kind of Love

An Everyday Kind of Love

Love is nothing like the movies –
it looks like laundry and dirty dishes.
Real love
happens in the school drop- off line and
hides in
the bleachers of soccer matches and band festivals,
ordinary times when a parent’s love fills all the empty

waltmarie poetic form

Spider’s Web

Spider’s Web

I leave the abandoned spider’s web,
empty and lifeless, in the corner of the back porch

an offering for the goldfinches and humming birds, which
they will use as the glue that holds their small nests together,

a shield against wind and rain when eggs hatch – protection
from harm until the hatchlings fledge

instead, I sit in a pool of morning sun and ponder love,
the spider’s web that holds a family together – safe and secure

Waiting for Love

Waiting for Love

I long to see the moon again
Behind a cloud laden night sky
I wait by an open window with
my heart
Willing the cloud to roll away to watch as it
Freeing the moonbeams to kiss my face


“This week, a Poetic Asides member shared a poetic form she created. While I don’t usually share nonce forms, I’ve tried this one myself, and I think it’s a lot of fun. So without further ado, I’m introducing Candace Kubinec’s form, the Waltmarie (which is itself a nod to PA members and Poetic Bloomings hosts, Marie Elena Good and Walter J. Wojtanik).” From Poetic Asides 2/12/21

Waltmarie Poetic Form-
10 line poem, any subject, even numbered lines are 2 syllables and form their own poem when read separately. Odd lines are longer with no specific syllable count.

Skipping Pebble

d’Verse Poetics: Water, Water Everywhere

Skipping Pebble

If I could be a pebble
I would skip myself across a
glassy lake – creating ripples
that grow larger, spread
farther until
they wash my love onto
the shore of your heart

Early Bird & Me

Day 9 of Poetic Asides PAD – write a love or anti-love poem (or both)

Early Bird & Me – a Villanelle

He loves to rise before the sun
While moon and stars are still at play
My night of dreaming not yet done

He, wide awake, his day begun
My eyes are closed – please go away
He loves to rise before the sun

He thinks that I am not much fun
Because in bed I tend to stay
While moon and stars are still at play
He doesn’t know, I sometimes run
Through starlight, under moonbeams lay
He loves to rise before the sun

When moon is tired, stars twinkling done
My moon’s a shining yellow drum
He loves to rise before the sun

Before birdsong is even sung
And I dream on in my own way
He loves to rise before the sun
While moon and stars are still at play

7 or maybe 3

Day 8 of Poetic Asides PAD – write a lucky number poem

7 or maybe 3


I always thought my lucky
Number should be 7
It is, after all, the date of
My birth – what could be luckier
But I have begun to reconsider 7
All straight lines with an elbow
That pokes out rather rudely
I feel drawn to 3 – softly curved
With numerical love handles
Its name a whisper that reminds
Me of ‘thee’, and I begin to count
The ways

A Note of Love

d’Verse Poets Pub – Shed some light on this today!
Lillian is our gracious host in the pub tonight

She built a shed
To shield her heart
Filled with her own
Soft words and art

It was a shell
In which to hide
From bitter winds
And foaming tides

Built to protect
A wounded soul
Keep others out
Stay in control

Until she heard
One plaintive note
So she peeked out
And saw a boat

A boat that floundered
In the waves
It needed help
It needed saved

Again that plaintive
Note rang out
It rang for her
There was no doubt

She opened wide
The she-shell door
To show the boat
Where it could moor

She let that note
Into her soul
It turned to love
It made her whole