Upon Her Return

d’Verse Poets Pub -MTB: The Death Sentence
Here’s the challenge –
one sentence, improvised, end of civilization as we know it

give it a try over at http://dversepoets.com

It had been only three weeks since she kissed
Him goodbye, escaping the gloomy skies
Of home for a dose of sunshine, (something
She craved in the middle of winter even though
He did not), but something had gone awry while
She soaked up those healing rays and he sulked
Under the gray clouds because as soon as she
Stepped into the house, before she could even kick
Off her shoes, he slumped off to take a nap, signaling
The end of the world as she knew it

Deep Pockets

d’Verse Poets Pub – Quadrille #97 – Filling the Page
De is hosting in the Pub tonight and looking for us to fill our pages in just 44 words.
Play along at http://deversepoets.com

I have deep pockets –
but don’t ask for a loan
or hand-out. My deep pockets
are in my favorite jacket, the
one I wear on walks along
railroad tracks and they are
filled with treasures –
bird feathers, bits of broken glass,
wild flower petals