A Daily Challenge

A Daily Challenge


How did I become trash-challenged?
My kitchen garbage can questions me
every time I open its lid.
I can hear it whisper, “Is that recyclable?”
I search the packaging of pasta, and spinach,
and eggs for the magic numbered triangle,
because I no longer have the ability to
determine what to throw in the garbage
and what to recycle.
How did I become trash-challenged?

Maybe You Should Call Me

Poetic Bloomings -PROMPT #211 – “AND I QUOTE” – INSTALLMENT #1

The “AND I QUOTE” prompts will take a quotation from some random person of note and be the basis for our poetry. We’ve used this idea to some great effect in the past, so if it ain’t broke…

Today’s quote:

“If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that this
thing is to be remembered.” ~Edgar Allan Poe

I put your name on that list
That list of people in my head
That list I didn’t write on paper
Because I didn’t want to misplace that list
Or clutter my desk with that list
Or lose that list among the pictures
Hanging on the fridge
I put your name on that mental list
Of people I should call, text, e-mail –
Or maybe even write to (gasp!)
I put your name on the top of that list,
That infinite list, growing ever longer
Curling around in my little gray cells
Ending up filed away under ‘Good Intentions’

Here I Find My Peace

Peace is every Step
We’re looking for some peace in the Garden

Here I Find My Peace


My peace is not found in the dark
Watching the constellations
Or bathing in the gentle glow
Of the moon
My peace is not found
In the solitude of a bench
Beside a lake or in the warmth
Of the sand or the rush of the waves
At the edge of the sea
It is not lingering in the song
Of birds of the scent of flowers
I keep my peace tucked safely
In the folds of my heart where
I feel its calming smoothness
Like a piece of fine satin
Against my cheek
Here I find my peace – within myself


A Teabag Kind of Day

Thirty poems in April: a final in verbs
We are verbing around in the Graden  for the last day of April


A Tea-bag Kind of Day

I have been tea-bagged
Dunked in and out of hot water
Then left to steep too long –
Had every ounce of goodness
Squeezed out of me
And now you wonder why
I am just a bit bitter
If you were more observant you
Could have read the warning in the
Dregs I left behind



A Force of Nature

The poetry Form required is The Fold


Your challenge today toads, is to Let your words FOLD INTO POEMS ABOUT DESTRUCTIVE WEAPONS.


Constraints! The Fold [guidelines]
1. 11 lines
2. The end phrase of Line 1 repeats at Lines 5 and 11
3. The rhyme of line 1 continues through in every other line
4. There MUST be a reference to nature and how it affect you the poet


A Force of Nature

we donned our shoes, our coats, our hats
so she could go on a scavenger hunt
i made a list of natural things in our habitat
“make the list long and try to trick me” – her words to me
the wind was blowing, our noses running, glad we had our hats
the list took her back and forth – up and down – a little hurricane
she searched for lion’s teeth and a big old shrub with cats
i hoped she would soon tire of this chilly game of ours
and we could go inside again – maybe even sit and chat
but she is six and doesn’t tire or mind the cold – I wish we’d
put on gloves and heavy jackets but at least we wore our hats

Not sure if I hit the theme but a six-year old can destroy your heart.

The Lion’s Tooth


The Lion’s Tooth

Fierce and brave you
Prowl through my yard
Your yellow mane a happy
Harbinger of Spring
Your young toothed leaves harvested
By the old folks next door
And cooked for lunch
A peasant meal now embraced
By health enthusiasts
Have you, dear dandelion,
Long reviled by men
Pushing lawn mowers,
Become the new Kale
Showing up at Farmer’s Markets
And grocery stores?




On This Rainy Day

On This Rainy Day – a Pantoum (I think)

just one color on this rainy day
the sky a rooftop of smokey slate
my bed is where I wish to stay
forget appointments or show up late

the sky a rooftop of smokey slate
trees and bushes a shade of gray
forget appointments, show up late
read a book, brew some Earl Grey

trees and bushes a shade of gray
chocolate cake upon a plate
read a book, brew some Earl Grey
a lazy day to appreciate

chocolate cake upon a plate
my bed is where I wish to stay
a lazy day to appreciate
just one color on this rainy day


Dear Art Instructor

Dear” Poems – Imaginary Garden with Real Toads


Dear Art Instructor,

I don’t have a clue
Can you tell
I smudge and smudge
The squiggles of charcoal
I’ve drawn
Until, on my paper, is just
An amorphous blob of gray
Not a flower
And you smile, erase
Sketch and suddenly
My smudge becomes
A lovely blossom
Can you tell
I don’t have a clue

Still Life

d’Verse Poets Pub – Quadrille #52 Let’s Fire it Up

Still Life


she wipes the smudges from her hand
stares at the gray shapes on her canvas
birds, flowers, trees, seem to magically
spring from the vine charcoal she
holds between her fingers
maybe the magic was in the fire, burning
life into dry willow branches


I’ve been taking some art classes recently – vine charcoal is made by burning grape vines or willow branches to a specific hardness.

Also posting on Tuesday Platform over at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads

Trying to Save an Hour

Trying to Save an Hour

I have locked the door
And placed a bowl of lemons there
All the curtains are closed –
Blinds pulled down
I’m burning sage and have
Gathered lucky stones
I rummaged through the junk
Drawer until I found a scraggly
Rabbit’s foot and a pressed
Four-leaf clover
My fingers are crossed
Horseshoes are hung
And stars have been wished upon
There is nothing left for me to do
I’ve done all I can
To safeguard my precious hour
And yet, I know, deep inside,
In the blink of an eye – while I sleep-
It will be gone
And I will pine

My good friend whines about Daylight Savings Time every year – this is for her.

Will also post on Imaginary Garden with Real Toads  – Curtain Falls