Longing for Winks

d’Verse Poets Pub – Quadrille #68: Winkle, Winkle, Little Poem

De is tending bar at the Pub tonight. Stop by and give her a *wink*

Longing for Winks

This poem has grown weary of
Trying to be clever, whenever
All it really wants is to catch
Forty winks – to slink off to bed
Get some beauty sleep with sheep,
This poem winks at the stars
And beams at the moon

Welcome Home

d’Verse Poets Pub – Poetics: DIY Building
Sara  has us tightening our tool belts for a DIY building project

(Wel)come Home

please don’t throw stones
at my glass house
I want to see the sun
rising and setting
the moon and stars
dancing through the night
seasons performing magic
before my eyes
I want windows that open wide
inviting the scents of
calming lavender and sage
to stay awhile
the sounds of birds to wend
their way through this space
I want doors that open both ways
so friends can always come and go


My hiking boots were well worn, scuffed and muddy. With each step along the Appalachian Trail I could feel the footsteps of those who had hiked before me.
I had no illusions about my abilities. I would not be a thru-hiker, or a day- hiker, only a few-hours hiker. The section I chose was fairly level but wound through ancient hardwood forests. The air was cooled by the leafy canopy above, perfumed by native plants in the understory. The sun stubbornly pushed its way through the green ceiling. Birds chirped and small animals skittered through the pungent leaf litter on the ground. No other hiker passed by and I walked on in silence, adding my footprints to history.


slanted sunlight
shines through leafy canopy
lace on the trail


Transforming with Nature’s wonders at Real Toads

Kikobun at Carpe Diem