An Everyday Kind of Love

An Everyday Kind of Love

Love is nothing like the movies –
it looks like laundry and dirty dishes.
Real love
happens in the school drop- off line and
hides in
the bleachers of soccer matches and band festivals,
ordinary times when a parent’s love fills all the empty

waltmarie poetic form

Rescue Mission

Rescue Mission

A shopping trip with old friends-
we all
look forward to searching out bargains, and we
a day out now and then – our passion is
hand shops where unwanted, discarded items get
to shine once more, to find gentle mercies
in life


We Come Once More

We Come Once More

We come, once more, to this
season. A time of introspection for
whose cups spill over with syllables of love,
with souls
filled to the brim with joy and sadness, and hearts
that beat
out the rhythm of life and death
with truth.

waltmarie poetic form

Of Peace and Drama

d’Verse Poets Pub – Poetics: Garden(ing)

Of Peace and Drama

she takes her camera to the bit of land that
she works
looking for bees and butterflies hoping
to find
a Monarch flitting among the milkweed she has planted
a place
where they can lay their eggs, where caterpillars munch the leaves
where peace
is sometimes an illusion, as insects and birds play out the drama of who


Waltmarie Poetic Form-
10 line poem, any subject, even numbered lines are 2 syllables and form their own poem when read separately. Odd lines are longer with no specific syllable count.

Amid Chaos

PAD 14 – from where I’m sitting

Amid Chaos

The morning sun slants through the kitchen window where
I sit,
surrounded by the lacey pattern the shadows make on the the wall.
the calmness of morning bird calls, Bach, and tea there is
at the bird feeder. Finches and sparrows battling for position, not
their turn – for theirs is a battle of survival not a negotiation
for peace.

waltmarie poetic form

Spring Again

Spring Again

Next week it will be Spring
the crocus and daffodils that waited beside the
for the slanting sun rays to warm the earth
will bloom
and dull winter birds will put on their best feathers
for mates and building nests, never doubting miracles
like hope

waltmarie poetic form

Not Alone

Not Alone

I am never really alone
I hear the call of geese
overhead as they migrate North or South, or feel a
as it brushes the trees. They wave to me and
the secrets of the forest, of birds, of beasts,
of you

* Waltmarie Poetic Form-
10 line poem, any subject, even numbered lines are 2 syllables and form their own poem when read separately. Odd lines are longer with no specific syllable count.

How Does the Moon Stay Warm

Weekly Scribblings #57: Let Us Write (together)

How Does the Moon Stay Warm?

Does the moon get cold hanging in the dark sky
with only distant star-filled constellations for company
at night
I could bring him blankets and a pot of tea – no
I shall
find another moon to sit beside him, hug him tightly
secrets from another world, jokes that make him burst into laughter, dance, sing out
love notes