A Compromise of Purple

Poetic Bloomings – PROMPT #213 – YOU COME TO MY SENSES

A great prompt from Maria Elena and Walt over at Poetic Bloomings

A Compromise of Purple


Your words flew out at me in shades
Of haughty reds and angry oranges
Pushing, rejecting my humble words
In hues of blues that would not yield

Your words and mine began
To blend, to merge, to smooth
Into a new idea
A compromise of purple

What About the Pumpkins

Does anyone ask the pumpkins
if they want a silly grin or
mouth wide open in some ghoulish
And do they enjoy sitting on
scratchy cement porches
while children run past
in search of the best treats,
candy not apples
What of the candle
burning deep in its inner-most
parts – does the flame
warm it or remind that pumpkin
of friends lost to baking
What about the pumpkins
Who will speak for them


written for the prompt on Phoenix Rising Poetry Guild
