The Magic of Moonlight

d’Verse Poets Pub – Poetry form: Lai and Lai Nouveau

“This form looks to be a very simple form comprising of a five syllabled couplet followed by a two syllable line. The number of lines in each stanza is fixed at nine and the couplets must rhyme with each other, as the two syllable lines must also rhyme. In English this line is probably the most difficult part of the poem.

The Lai is a very old French form and tradition states that the short line must not be indented, it must be left dressed to the poem. This is known as Arbre Fourchu (Forked Tree); there is a pattern meant to be set up as a tree.

The number of lines in each stanza is fixed at nine. The number of stanzas is not fixed and each stanza has its own rhyme pattern. The stanza’s rhyme pattern is… a. a. b. a. a. b. a. a. b.”


Here’s my first attempt –

The Magic of Moonlight

It happens at night
Sky no longer bright
Just dark

The moon shines soft light
Lightening bugs take flight
In arcs

Two true hearts ignite
Wishing stars delight
A spark

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