winter elfje

d’Verse Poets Pub – MTB – brevity
Frank has us keeping it short at the Pub

I remembered writing an Elfje a couple years ago. It’s perfect for this challenge – and fun to write

Here’s an explanation from simplyelfje

The Elfje form originated in The Netherlands where it is used to teach young children to write poetry. The word Elfje means ‘Elven’ or ‘Fairy’ poem (from ‘Elf’ meaning ‘elven’ or ‘fairy’ and the sufix ‘-je’ meaning ‘little’). The form consists of 11 words spread over 5 lines.
How to Write Elfje:
An ‘Elfje’ counts as five sentences.
Line 1. One word. This word symbolizes a colour or feature. The word symbolizes the atmosphere.
Line 2. Two words. These are something or someone with this colour or feature.
Line 3. Three words. Giving more information about the person or the object. You describe where the person or the object is, who the person or what the object is, or what the person or object is doing. This sentence usually starts with the word ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘it.’
Line 4. Four words. Here you are writing something about yourself in relation to the person or the object. This sentence is your conclusion.
Line 5. One word. This word is called the ‘Bomb.’ It is the essence of the poem.

….. and here is my attempt –


Winter sky
It saddens me
I have one hope



15 thoughts on “winter elfje

  1. well done Candy – 5 line limit was hard enough but your elfie came to the rescue. Thanks for all the info – very nice mix of emotions and seasons here

    Liked by 1 person

  2. what a wonderful way to learn about language and reading for a child, I too have never heard of it and feel so privileged to read about it here. I will certainly research more into it and attempt it in future. i love gray, its a non conformal colour and the wait for spring in your poem is very urgent, a good description.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for this informative post, Candy. This form is new to me and the brevity of it packs a punch. Your poem is a lovely example. I can’t wait for Spring!


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