No Longer Kings

Poetics: Bold Tributes

“The five kings count the dead but do not soften
The crusted wound nor pat the brow;”
⁃ Dylan Thomas
from, ‘The Hand That Signed the Paper Felled a City’


No Longer Kings


When I asked about ‘the five kings’ they said
count the dead’ and then come back
so, I go quietly out ‘but do not’ look for
dead to count, instead I find a way to ‘soften
the crusted wound’ upon this fragile land
a song to sing to bless the ones who sacrifice
a word to mend the tear dividing brothers
not just to sooth the flame ‘nor pat the brow
but open eyes and hearts and minds
a prayer that kings will leave their thrones
and we no longer need to count our dead


12 thoughts on “No Longer Kings

  1. Nice job with this quote, Candy. I like how you look to tend the wound not only of the fallen, but of the ‘fragile land’. The ‘kings’ don’t seem to notice the brokenness of anything. Or seem to care.


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