Weather Forecast

Quadrille #18 -Cloud

Kim, from Writing in North Norfolk, is tending bar at d’Verse Poets Pub and has challenged us to write a Quadrille using the word cloud

Weather Forecast

the weather man predicts
sunny skies and gentle breezes
a perfect day for picnics, bike rides
and butter pecan ice cream cones
all the things we did together
when we were together
the forecast is
with a chance of tears

17 thoughts on “Weather Forecast

  1. Oh! I have tears in my eyes! Your quadrille started off so cheerfully and the end is so sad. I like the way the poem pivots on the repetition of the lines that end with the word ‘together’, making it kind of ominous. You’ve captured that feeling so well in that last section. And the shape of the poem is cloud-like!


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