

She is so persnickety
smoothing my feathers
matching her dress
to the hue of me
showing me off to
her friends and
strutting like a
peacock as I perform
but I know her secrets
and when I learn the
I will tell


Fireblossom Friday – The Art of Gerda Wegener

Just Jot It January – persnickety

12 thoughts on “Persnickety

    1. You know how you see an image and words just start to come? Well that’s what happened. Something about the attitudes I felt coming from the girl and the bird.


  1. The way you set off “words” on its own line makes me hear “worst” instead, as if the speaker is waiting to find out the companions deeper secrets before blabbing.

    Inside the word “persnickety” I hear “purse nick-ety,” meaning that the way to find out a woman’s secrets is to nick her purse. 🙂

    The poem actually makes me think of a couple sort of in competition with one another. Did you know Gerda and Lili were both artists, but Lili dropped back to help Gerda shine?

    In this poem, I’m picturing the speaker on stage, trying to perform (singing, perhaps). All the while, he/she sees his/her partner stealing the crowd’s attention out on the dance floor, strutting/flirting across the room/venue. I’m picturing the feathers as being part of a boa … so I think the speaker is wearing quite the getup onstage.


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